If you were a potato, what way would you like to be cooked?
"I would say cheesy potato casserole." -Melissa M.
"I’m just going to go with being made into waffle fries!" -Matt L.
"This is a hard one for me as I love all kinds of potatoes ever since I was kid. If I had to narrow it down, it would probably have to be scalloped potatoes (but sweet potatoes have been my new favorite recently). -Stacie Z.
Last week's question:
If you had to describe how you’re feeling right now as a weather pattern, what’s your forecast?
Forgotten Submission:
"Right this moment, I’m feeling cloudy with a sunny outlook ahead. My weather pattern I would say, is mostly sunny and bright however, those cloudy days sneak in. I suppose that happens to all of us. Having said that, rainy and cloudy weather is my most favorite weather!! Give me a good storm or rain and I’m loving it. I like to be out in it too. I love the smell, feel, sound and sight of it. I suppose I’m cloudy right now just because I’m tired