Sidekick Salutes: Joe, Emily, Michael, Jessie, & Charlie


"I would like to give a huge shout out to Joe and Emily! Joe has redone all of the audios for the Initial Assessment Basics self-paced unit, and it is fantastic! This is a very lengthy online unit, requiring a great deal of reading for trainees, but Joe has done a phenomenal job of making this training easier to understand, current with the most up-to-date work instructions and policies, and it is much more engaging! Also, Joe has been a part of several of the recently produced Microlearnings. Joe worked very hard at creating scenarios and keys for supervisors to better understand the material on the SDM topics. Way to go Joe!

Emily was tasked with redesigning the Psychotropic Medications unit from a classroom unit into a self-paced unit. Emily worked very hard at ensuring the training reflected the most current policy and practice, was approved by central office, and was engaging for the learner. She presented this unit at the most recent trainer check-in meeting and did a great job. Nice work Emily!

I would also like to give a shout out to Michael Reinmiller for his work in adding the videos and audios for the Psychotropic Medications unit.

Another huge kudos goes out to Jessie Cook and Charlie Lewis for their work on the technical side of the development of these units! We couldn't do this without you!" -Krista R.