A CEHS International retreat will be held Monday, May 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Wilderness Ridge. The college is continuing to forge its international agenda. We have made great progress over the past three years and now it is time to review what we’ve done and to plan future directions. Won’t you please save the date and plan to come? This retreat is open to all faculty and staff in CEHS. If you have integrated international work in your teaching, research or Extension/outreach, if you have led a global exchange tour anywhere in the world, if you have hosted international visitors, if you are advising students interested in some type of international experience, or if you are just thinking about such things – this retreat is aimed at you! Please look in your email for an invitation and reservation form.
At this meeting you will also have a chance to interact with Jon Kerrigan, the new global exchange coordinator for the College of Education and Human Sciences and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. As you can see, the global exchange coordinator is a joint position with CASNR, so Jon will be dividing his time between the two colleges and between City Campus and East Campus. His City Campus office is in 116 Henzlik Hall. His East Campus office is on the top floor of the East Campus Union, next to the Bluestem Dining Room. CEHS faculty and students may interact with Jon at either office. His phone number is 472-8397. Jon will arrive in Lincoln April 15.
Before coming to UNL, Jon was an educator for several years in both rural and urban China. He has also served as the Asia-Pacific desk officer at Pax Christi International, a human rights organization in Brussels, Belgium and student services coordinator at the International Education Center in Minneapolis. He has an undergraduate degree in social studies education from St. Cloud State University in Minnesota and an M.A. in international political economy from the University Kent in Brussels, Belgium. Jon has been working in the field of international education both overseas and here in the United States for over eight years and is very excited about becoming a part of UNL.