Each year the CEHS Alumni Organization chooses a graduate whose work epitomizes a lifetime of distinguished service and contributions to the fields of education and human sciences. This year’s honoree is Dr. Tom Osborne. Dr. Osborne received his master’s degree and Ph.D. in educational psychology in the 1960s. Widely known for his leadership, integrity, honor and compassion, Osborne has poured time and effort into building a unique mentoring program within the state. The TeamMates program, founded by Tom and his wife, Nancy, in 1991, provides support and encouragement to school-aged youth with the goal of seeing them graduate from high school and pursue a post-secondary education. A world-renowned football coach, Dr. Osborne is noted for his dedication to developing complete student-athletes and for helping the University of Nebraska achieve the highest number of academic All-Americans of any university in the United States.
Tom will be visiting CEHS classes on Friday, Sept. 13. If you are interested in having him come to your class or having him meet with groups of students, please contact Melanie Kellogg at mkellogg1@unl.edu. This is a great opportunity for every unit in CEHS. Please consider having him visit with your faculty, staff or students. Each year, our alumni awardees find this part of the celebration very meaningful. Dr. Osborne will receive his award at the CEHS tailgate that will be held on Sept. 14, 2013 before the UCLA game.