The Student Academy of Audiology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will host a sand volleyball tournament Saturday, Sept. 30, at Big Red Restaurant and Sports Bar on West O Street in Lincoln.
Check-in for the tournament begins at 9 a.m., followed by pool play at 9:30. The top two teams at the tournament will win cash prizes.
The cost to register for the tournament is $90 per team, with a minimum of six individuals on each co-ed team. To sign up, individuals may email Nikki Wipplinger (nikki@huskers.unl.edu) or Kelly Pritchett (kelly.pritchett@unl.edu). The registration deadline is Friday, Sept. 22.
The tournament will serve as a fundraiser for the UNL Student Academy of Audiology to help offset costs for members to attend professional conferences. Proceeds will also benefit HearU Nebraska, a non-profit organization that provides hearing aids to children birth to 18 years of age whose insurance does not cover the cost of hearing aids. Learn more about HearU Nebraska by visiting http://go.unl.edu/hearunebraska.