You're Invited to CEHS Director of Recruitment Presentations

CEHS Director of Recruitment Presentations will start this week
CEHS Director of Recruitment Presentations will start this week

We are excited to share with you our three finalist for the Director of Recruitment position for the College of Education and Human Sciences! We would like to extend an invitation to attend their presentation. Below are the details about each presentation dates and times.
If you plan on attending, please contact Jennifer Hartig ( so if there are unexpected schedule changes she can update you about those.

Wednesday, February 6th
Ben Bannon
Presentation 1:30-2:15 location TEAC 139

Thursday, February 7th
John Thomas
Presentation 1:30-2:15 location MABL 234

Friday, February 8th
Katie Kodad
Presentation 2:00-2:45 location TEAC 139

I've invited you to fill out a form:
Evaluation form for Director of Recruitment Candidate.
Please complete for each candidate and return by Monday, February 11th- 12:00 (noon)

More details at: