Gilmore Honored with CEHS Staff Star Award

Gilmore Honored with CEHS Staff Star Award
Gilmore Honored with CEHS Staff Star Award

Jenny Gilmore, Financial Coordinator for the College of Education and Human Sciences, is the most recent recipient of the Staff Star Award.

Her nominator said that Jenny brings an auditor's perspective to the CEHS business team. "She thinks about processes and procedures in a way that many do not, and can identify policy and process improvements. She does a fantastic job in asking the right questions at the right time so that college or university leadership fully think through the impact of policies or procedures."

Jenny is someone who takes personal responsibility for not only her own work, but the reputation of CEHS and UNL as well. She works tirelessly to make sure the people she is serving are taken care of and their needs are met. For example, just recently Jenny went above and beyond her responsibilities to help the departments finalize the details and payments for the study abroad programs and invoicing. She is relentless in helping departments and faculty maximize their utilization of resources in the most strategic way.

One of Jenny's strengths is that she is a Learner. She will learn everything there is to learn about a policy or subject and then apply herself to following that policy. She is a valuable source of information for the college about policy and serves as an outstanding advisor to the faculty, staff, and students in the college. She is also a person of integrity who will do what's right even if it means going against the flow. As a result, you can trust what course of action she has taken, or the decisions she has made. She also really cares about the people she serves, and follows through with each and every one to make sure their needs are met. The College is a better place because Jenny serves the faculty, staff, and students of the college.

If you know of a staff member who you believe goes above and beyond their scope of duties, make sure and nominate them for a CEHS Star Award at