The Mission Continues Fellowship Program harnesses veterans’ strengths, skills and compassion as they volunteer with non-profit organizations in their community 20 hours per week. Student veterans apply their education to serve a cause of their choice, while gaining valuable leadership experience to jump start their careers.
Benefits for student veterans
• Apply your education to a new mission
• Join a strong community of action-oriented veterans
• Gain practical work experience and build your resume
• Receive one-on-one career coaching
• Qualify for a monthly stipend while serving
Service Platoons are teams of 60 - 90 veterans who mobilize to solve a specific challenge facing their local community. Through a series of service projects, veterans collaborate with local organizations to address issues such as hunger, homelessness and at-risk youth mentorship.
Benefits for student veterans
• Build camaraderie with a team of motivated veterans of all generations
• Make an impact in your local community
• Gain valuable volunteer experience to enhance your resume
• Grow your network outside of campus with major corporations and established veteran leaders
More details at: http://www.missioncontinues.org