ABET 101 video available to faculty

The ABET 101 video (link below) provides an overview of the ABET accreditation process.

This video presentation is created on behalf of the College of Engineering subcommittee on Continuous Improvement of Teaching and Learning, known by the acronym CITL, which is part of the College of Engineering Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee. The scope of the CITL is to develop, implement, and monitor faculty-driven, short- and long-term continuous improvement processes pertaining to teaching, pedagogy, and outcome-driven student learning and success.

Faculty are encouraged to view this video annually to remain informed about continuous improvements in ABET and to support college programs' accreditation.

An ABET Assessment Resources page for faculty that includes information on Documenting and Managing Assessment Activities, Data Formatting, and Rubrics is available at: https://engineering.unl.edu/ecec/abet-assessment-resources/