Staff Council Update: Serving the college and seeking new members

Our first in-person all staff meeting was a success! Thank you to all of the staff who attended the event.

The Staff Council’s mission is to focus on positively impacting the college and providing opportunities for greater access and inclusion for staff through several efforts. Over the past year, the council has worked in four main areas: creation of the staff council, onboarding and welcome activities for new staff, professional development, and wellness.

We plan to offer two in-person, all staff meetings each year, ongoing professional development workshops and opportunities, resources for welcoming new staff and an improved employee resources site, and more.

For those staff who could not attend, presentations from Dean Lance Pérez and the Staff Council are located on the staff council’s website under the Events section

Check out the website for a list of current staff council members, upcoming and past events, and a comment form where you can submit your ideas and suggestions. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas for how we can best serve you.

The Staff Council is also seeking more persons to get involved. If you are a member of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Midwest Roadside Safety Facility or the Mid-America Transportation Center, we would love to have a representative from your unit to serve on the staff council. Contact Nancy Re for further details.

Each staff person is welcome to join a planning committee. Contact the chair of the committee you are interested in joining:

Amanda Lager Gleason

More details at: