Events of interest for College of Engineering faculty and staff:
3/13-17: Spring vacation (UNL offices open).
3/15: Student Research Days Slam, noon, Wick Alumni Center. https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/applications-due-march-15-for-student-research-days-slam-0/
3/22: Learning by Design (Scott Campus), noon-1:15 p.m., PKI 250. https://engineering.unl.edu/ecec/LBD/
3/22: NUtech Ventures Engineering Pitch Competition, 4-6 p.m., 106 Othmer. https://t.co/axlliY46fy
3/23: COE Alumni Master’s presentation: Stan Feuerberg, “The Challenges for the U.S. Electric Energy Supply in the Age of Electrification of the Nation’s Transportation Network,” 3 p.m., 251 Jorgensen Hall.
3/24: Learning by Design (City Campus), 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., Nebraska Hall W192. https://engineering.unl.edu/ecec/LBD/
3/28-29: Student Research Days 2023, Nebraska Union. https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/gradstudies/15279/85902
3/29: COE Graduate Programs Information Session, 4-5 p.m., via Zoom. https://events.unl.edu/enggradstudent/2023/03/29/