GoEngineer hardware event set for Tuesday

Those interested in improving quality and engineering work flow with 3D scanning and printing are encouraged to attend the GoEngineer hardware event Tuesday, March 26 from noon-4 p.m. at Nebraska Innovation Studio (2021 Transformation Drive, Suite 1500).

At this event – “Improve Quality & Improve Engineering workflow with 3D Scanning & 3D Printing” – attendees can have a part scanned live at the event or have a 3D part produced at no charge. Jake Wenzel, Hardware AE at GoEngineer, is the featured speaker.

There is space only for the first 40 registrants (link below). Lunch is included.

The agenda:
Noon-12:45 p.m.:
Registration and Lunch
12:45-1:30 p.m.: 3D printing applications, material and Stratasys system overview
1:30-2 p.m.: Scanning applications & Creaform/Artec system overview
2-3 p.m.: Live scanning of GoE parts
3-4 p.m.: Live scanning of attendees’ parts

Why you should attend the GoEngineer hardware event:

  • You are interested in new Stratasys technologies. In addition to FDM and Polyjet, Stereolithography, DLP & Powder Bed solutions are now available.
  • You are curious about the commercial Stratasys 3D printing equipment and production-grade materials and how they can fit in with your current additive eco-system.
  • You want to understand how to improve your reverse engineering & inspection processes with laser and white-light scanning solutions.
  • You want to successfully import your scan data point clouds/meshes) into your CAD program, even if you do not use a scanner.

Send your email to rreaume@goengineer.com if you want a free 3D printed part or want to bring a part to scan at the event.

More details at: https://goengineer.registration.goldcast.io/events/d429ea49-c933-418c-9084-d6ebd576bcb2