Annual Lawn Mower Clinic set for April 13-15

Annual Lawn Mower Clinic set for April 13-15 at Nebraska Tractor Test Lab.
Annual Lawn Mower Clinic set for April 13-15 at Nebraska Tractor Test Lab.

Get your small-engine lawn mowers ready for spring and help two students groups -- American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the Mechanized Systems Management Student Club.

Bring them to the east side of the Nebraska Tractor Test Lab, 35th & East Campus Loop, April 13-15 and for a small fee have them cleaned, have blades sharpened, and have spark plugs and oil changed.

Times are set as follows:

* Friday, April 13: Noon-4 p.m.

* Saturday, April 14: 8 a.m.-noon

* Sunday, April 15: Noon-3 p.m.