RESEARCH ROUNDUP: Big data pipeline for rural bridge health

A $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation will enable UNO and Nebraska Engineering faculty to collaborate on producing a big data pipeline for rural bridges.
A $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation will enable UNO and Nebraska Engineering faculty to collaborate on producing a big data pipeline for rural bridges.

A new regional innovation center, funded by a $1 million National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, will be geared toward producing a big data pipeline for rural bridge health management and will include Daniel Linzell and Chungwook Sim, civil engineering faculty. The Smart Big Data Pipeline for Aging Rural Bridge Transportation Infrastructure (SMARTI), which will be headquartered at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) College of Information Science and Technology (IS&T), is a partnership between IS&T and Nebraska Engineering.

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Utilizing a first-of-its-kind controlled-atmosphere system in a 3D hybrid printer, Michael Sealy and his team are developing a process for manufacturing customized, dissolvable magnesium implants that can reduce risks, costs and suffering of surgical patients. The research, which Sealy presented this past week at the International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago, is being conducted in the Nebraska Engineering Additive Technology (NEAT) Labs on the Optomec Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) 3D Metal Hybrid Machine Tool.

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Researchers know that growing stem cells takes a long time and creates expensive treatments. In the September 2018 issue of The Scientist, Yuguo Lei, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, advises providing a cell culture setting that mimics the natural stem-cell niche as closely as possible to minimize cell stress.

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Sunil Narumalani is joining the college on a one-year appointment as Director of Research and Strategic Relationships. He will be reaching out to faculty to help identify opportunities for growth in research areas; to engage faculty for development of research leadership on team projects and integrated research areas, prepare for forthcoming solicitations, and to communicate COE Research successes through multiple channels. He can be reached via email at