2019 COE Learning by Design program – call for participants

Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to participate in this Spring's ‘Learning By Design’ program, open to College of Engineering faculty at all levels. This program entails participating in six bi-weekly sessions, through which you will develop or re-design a course based on ‘backward design’. The program has already been running at a campus level for a number of years; at least 25 faculty members in the College have gone through the program with very positive reviews. As with last semester, we are excited to be hosting a more discipline-specific version offered by the Engineering and Computing and Education Core (ECEC) in the College of Engineering, led by Dr. Tareq Daher.

One cohort will be meeting Thursdays on City campus, starting Jan. 31st. Another cohort will be meeting Wednesdays on Scott campus, starting Jan 30th. Please visit this website for the complete list of meeting dates/times (over lunch time so boxed lunches are provided), additional information, and the registration link: https://engineering.unl.edu/ecec/LBD/

I strongly encourage you all to engage in this program and advance your teaching skills. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Dr. Tareq Daher at tareq.daher@unl.edu or (402) 472-4761.

Best regards,

Lily Wang
Associate Dean for Faculty and Inclusion