UNL To Hold 2012 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting

The OSG Meeting Will Be Held At The Schorr Center
The OSG Meeting Will Be Held At The Schorr Center

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln will host a 2012 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting from March 19 - 22. The meeting demonstrates the dedication of the department to its students by staying current and participating in the latest technological research.

The schedule is as follows:
March 19: OSG Federated Data and a Security Roundtable
March 20: Campus Infrastructure and the Poster Session
March 21: State of OSG, Digital Humanities Keynote, and Panel Sessions on OSG Strategic Partners
March 22: A Talk with OSG Experts

The OSG combines research from numerous fields that operate through open distributed computing. "The Open Science Grid (OSG) provides a common service and support for resource providers and scientific institutions using a distributed fabric of high throughput computational services." Current research involves using the OSG to study DNA and to analyze neutrino evidence.

UNL functions as a Virtual Organization (VO) of the program. OSG is composed of 30 VO's at 80 sites. Their function is to research problems along the high-throughput grid.

Please email osg-ahm@hcc-mail.unl.edu or contact LaRita Lang at (402) 472-3826 for more information.

The OSG is funded by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.

More information and a complete schedule of the event can be found at http://hcc.unl.edu/eventregistration/pages/eventpage.php?ideventof=5.