Forty-one University of Nebraska–Lincoln students — including six Computer Science and Engineering students — were recently inducted into the Innocents Society and Mortar Board based on their outstanding scholarship, leadership and service to the university and community.
One of the longest-standing university traditions, Ivy Day, was reformatted this year to a virtual ceremony. The website features a keynote address by Maj. Joseph Manglitz, U.S. Air Force instructor pilot and Innocents Society alumnus, as well as video messages from Chancellor Ronnie Green; Jared Noetzel, vice president of the outgoing Innocents Society class; and Vinny Malene, vice president of the outgoing Mortar Board class. The site also includes the Ivy Day program, available for download.
The Innocents Society inducts 13 new members each spring, with selection based on leadership, academic achievement and service to the university and greater community. The Innocents Society was founded in 1903 to promote the spirit of the university and is the chancellor's senior honorary. It is uniquely Nebraskan.
New members of Mortar Board are tapped into the Black Masque Chapter each spring by Mortar Boarders wearing black masks and robes. The 28 new members were selected on the basis of advancing scholarship, leadership and service.
The following CSE students were inducted into the Innocents Society and the Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board:
• Emma Clausen, Mortar Board, computer science,
• Sheng-Jie Lim, Innocents Society, computer science and economics
• Rohan Thakker, Mortar Board, computer science and economics
• Alexis Karkazis, Mortar Board, computer science
• Jacob Peddicord, Mortar Board, computer science
• Adrian Pilkington, Innocents Society, software engineering
View the full list of inductees in Nebraska Today.