Quantum Undergraduate Research at IBM and Princeton is a unique summer undergraduate research program that combines academic research in quantum science and engineering at Princeton with industry experience at IBM Quantum in Yorktown Heights.
Through this program, you can apply to work with any group at quantum.princeton.edu for the first half of the summer. These groups span a wide range of disciplines, from quantum materials, condensed matter physics, and atomic physics to quantum information, algorithms, and architecture.
In the second half, you will work with the quantum computing group at IBM Quantum on cutting-edge translational research. At IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY students will spend 4 weeks, following the 6 weeks at Princeton. They will learn and engage in multiple projects, ranging from Qiskit compiler challenges on 5Q, and 16Q quantum computers, learning depths of Qiskit open source software as well as many quantum computing-related hardware designs.
This fast-paced, intensive, highly selective program will also feature seminars and research exchanges among the whole quantum research community at Princeton and IBM, creating a unique interdisciplinary community at the cutting edge of quantum research.
Learn more here.