![The UCARE program pairs undergraduate students with faculty mentors to engage in research and creative activities.](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file145979.jpg)
Postdocs and advanced graduate students from any discipline can support undergraduate research at the university and add another item to the university service section of their CV by serving on the 2021-2022 Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences selection committee. The research project proposals are from undergraduate students in science, humanities, business, and the arts. Business, fine and performing arts, and humanities readers are especially needed.
You'll be assigned applications in your field of expertise (or a closely related field) and will be provided with review training materials. UCARE proposals will be posted in NURAMP where you'll sign in with your UNL single sign-on to read and evaluate proposals at the times most convenient for you.
The review period will be from February 24 - March 12, and you'll be assigned no more than 30 applications to review. We anticipate this will take most reviewers on average about 5 hours or less to complete.
Sign up by February 19 to review applications here and contact Justina Clark, director of undergraduate research, at jclark17@unl.edu with any questions or for more information.
More details at: https://nuramp.nebraska.edu/ems/event.php?EMSEventUUID=3443918a-a567-4c77-b556-16ef5b17905c