Calling Husker student leaders to apply to become a CARE Ambassador (CA)! CARE is the Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education, and we are excited to launch our first application for a small pilot program starting a peer education program.
The ideal candidate for a CA is someone who is caring, empathic, has a passion for helping others, and fostering a culture of respect by educating others on stopping sexual violence, dating violence and stalking, and sexual harassment. CA’s will get the opportunity to grow in listening skills, public speaking, and programming skills to help build their resume and college experience.
Application deadline: Friday, February 19, 5 p.m.
Please find the application here: https://forms.gle/i4S6vBemSJej8jmL7
Questions: Please contact Lanie Stutz at lstutz2@unl.edu or 402-472-3299.