Registration is now open for Student Research Days, April 11-12 in the Nebraska Union’s Centennial Room.
Graduate and undergraduate students can register their poster or creative project here by March 11. Students in the Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience (UCARE) program are required to register their poster presentation or creative exhibit; however, it is open to all students.
Faculty, staff and graduate students are sought to help judge student posters. If interested, complete this form.
Faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students are also needed to help with setup and cleanup. There are several shifts available. If interested, sign up for a time slot here.
Student Research Days are hosted by the offices of Undergraduate Research, Graduate Studies, and Research and Economic Development.
For more information, contact Sonya Irons at sirons3@unl.edu (undergraduate) or Lisa Rohde at lrohde2@unl.edu (graduate).
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/registration-is-open-for-student-research-days/