AWS career talk this Thursday


AWS Career Talk
Thursday, February 24
4–5:00 p.m.
Via Chime:
Meeting ID: 4826 72 0780

Amazon Web Services is excited to reach more students in Nebraska! They are hosting a free career talk to discuss opportunities, what it takes to secure a position, and more! There will also be a Q&A session for attendees. The meeting will be hosted on Amazon's platform Chime.

A headset is recommended or you may use your computer’s microphone and speakers.

Call in using your phone:
United States Toll-Free (1): +1 855-552-4463
Meeting ID: 4826 72 0780
One-click Mobile Dial-in (United States (1)): +1 206-462-5569,,,4826720780#
United States (1): +1 206-462-5569
Dial-in attendees must enter *7 to mute or unmute themselves.