CSCE990-002: Queueing Models for Computer Systems and Networks
Time: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3:30PM-4:20PM
Location: Avery Hall 112
Instructor: Prof. Lisong Xu (email: xu@unl.edu)
Course description:
"How much time did you waste waiting in line this week? Waiting for a breakfast; stopped at a traffic light; slowed down on the highways and freeways; holding the telephone as it rings, and so on. A common slogan in the U.S. Army is, "Hurry up and wait". Such is the nature of the phenomena we wish to study, and we call this study queueing theory.
----- in book "Queueing Systems" by Leonard Kleinrock
This course is designed to present queueing models as a powerful tool for modeling and evaluating the performance of computer systems and networks. We will study both the fundamental queueing theory, and its applications to computer systems and networks.
The following three groups of topics will be covered.
* Topic 1: Background: Probability and Markov Chains
* Topic 2: Queueing Theory: single node and queueing networks
* Topic 3: Applications to Computer Systems and Networks
Course required materials: No required textbooks.