iLab Colloquium Series: Swapan Golla of Gallup

Gallup Headquarters
Gallup Headquarters

The Department's iLab Colloquium Series presents Swapan Golla from Gallup addressing "Analytics at Gallup Technology". The event will be held Thursday, October 4th. There will be a reception at 3:30 p.m. in 348 Avery Hall followed by the main event at 4 p.m. in 115 Avery.

Swapan Golla leads the Analytics Group at Gallup INC. Swapan has been associated with web development and Analytics for over 13 years and is a regular speaker at various national conferences. Swapan is also a Director at Business Intelligence Warehousing and Analytics Special Interest Group (BIWA SIG) and a professional member of ACM and IEEE.

This seminar talks about end to end processes for data collection and details the capabilities of analytical systems at Gallup as part of data reporting. The seminar will cover the design as well as implementation, including technologies involved, used in the process. This seminar will also cover the future direction of analytics at Gallup.

Gallup will be collecting resumes for future internship and full‐time employment opportunities. Please bring a printed resume and, optionally, a cover letter to be collected at the conclusion of the colloquium (optional).

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering’s Innovation Lab provides Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate students a rich opportunity to experience real-world system development by creating innovative software and software/hardware solutions to practical problems.