The Husker Motorsports Team is looking for new members that have web design and programming backgounds to join their team. They need someone who is interested in cars and technology to update and create the website and implement data logging and database systems on the car.
Husker Motorsports Formula SAE was founded in early 2011 when the news was announced that the Formula West competition was moving from California to the Lincoln Airpark for the next five years. The main goal of the competition is to build a formula style race-car for the weekend autocrosser. The competition is held every June leaving only 12 months to build a car built upon the experiences from the past car.
Last June, the HMS team placed 50th out of 75 teams. Even though the car is the biggest showpiece of the team, they have a very strong need for members who can do more than just design parts. They need organizers, budgeters, advertisers, and especially web designers and data loggers.
In the future, Husker Motorsports may want to start collecting data from the vehicle as it navigates the course so there will opportunities in which a data logging system, sensors, and other components will need to be configured.
The current website is at http://www.huskermotorsports.com. This website is in need of being updated, linked to social media sites and videos posted. If you are interested in joining the team please contact Miles Wynn at wynnmiles53@yahoo.com for more information.
It is never too late to beef up that resume!