![Register for CSCE 990](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file51564.jpg)
CSE has a new course lined up for this fall!
CSCE 990, Section 001: Cyber-Physical Systems
TR 2:00-3:15
Oldfather 209
Instructor: Justin Bradley
This course introduces students to the research, design, and analysis of cyber-physical systems - the tight integration of computing, control, and communication. Applications for CPS research are far reaching and span medical devices, smart buildings, vehicle systems, and mobile computing. The application domain for this course will be cyber-physical (aerospace) vehicle systems though techniques are more broadly applicable. Current literature, techniques, theories, and methodologies will be reviewed and discussed. A semester project will help students creatively apply cutting-edge CPS research to their research problems. Because CPS research is so broad prerequisites are minimal and basics in the specific areas of study will be reviewed. Helpful background includes digital control, real-time systems theory, scheduling, optimization, optimal control, and algorithm development. Students from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering should be appropriately prepared for this course.
Sign up today!