MINK Women in Computing Conference


The Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska Kansas Women in Computing (MINK WIC) conference will take place on Thursday, October 15 and Friday, October 16 in Kansas City, Missouri at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center.

Registration is now open and submissions are also being taken for posters, lightning talk, and graduate research presentations. Space will be limited, so make sure to register for the conference and submit your presentations early!

The cost to attend the MINK WIC conference is $25 for each student or faculty member, which covers dinner and lodging on Thursday night and breakfast and lunch on Friday. Attendees are responsible for travel costs to the conference.

MINK WIC will bring together female students, faculty and industry professionals from Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas to discuss the role of women in today's computing and technology fields, share experiences and strategies for success, network and explore issues common to women working in these fields. The conference will provide an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate women to present a lightning talk, poster presentation or graduate paper. The program will include incredible keynote speakers and a career fair as well as many informative talks and panels.

For more information about the MINK WIC conference, visit http://www.minkwic.org.