Spring semester registration advising

spring registration.jpg

Priority registration begins Monday, Oct. 24, and runs through Tuesday, Nov. 7. Seniors and graduate students are allocated the first couple days, then juniors, sophomores, and finally, freshmen.

Within the coming days, students' specific registration access dates and times will be available on MyRED under Self Service > Enrollment > Enrollment Dates.

Try to fill your "shopping cart" prior to that time, as popular classes tend to fill to capacity quickly once available.

For guidance in what classes to take, schedule an appointment with Professor Riedesel by visiting http://cse.unl.edu/~riedesel and clicking on the 'appointment schedule' link. The white, unmarked slots are open appointments.

Email riedesel@cse.unl.edu to set up and confirm your appointment.

Alternatively, students may view open appointments on Professor Riedesel's office door in Avery 259. Keep in mind this appointment schedule may not be completely up-to-date with the online schedule.

An online spreadsheet of CSCE and related courses is available at http://cse.unl.edu/~riedesel/pub/Advise/springSched2012.xls.

As always, students may view the full UNL Schedule of Classes at http://unlsched.unl.edu/nusched/index.jsp or by logging in to MyRED at http://myred.nebraska.edu. These interfaces provide a mechanism to search just for CSCE courses by selecting the following search criteria:

Institution: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Term: Spring 2012
Course Subject: Computer Science & Engineering
Course Number: "Greater than or equal to" 1