OS2G invites you to a presentation and discussion about legal issues in technology with Professor Justin (Gus) Hurwitz from the College of Law on Thursday, April 27, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Avery 115.
The following topics are on the agenda, and you are welcome to come and ask questions on other issues:
- Open source software and hardware licensing
- Copyright, trademarks, and software patents
- Right-to-Repair / Nebraska legislature bill LB67
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act exemption process (Section 1201, prohibition against circumvention of access-control technology)
- Cryptocurrency/blockchain technology (Bitcoin, Ethereum)
OS2G has set up a webpage where you can learn more about these topics and submit additional topics and questions you would like to see discussed.
Topics/Questions Page: http://os2g.unl.edu/legal-discussion
Event Page: https://events.unl.edu/OS2G/2017/04/27/119864/
Professor Hurwitz is incredibly accomplished both in the legal sphere as well as the technology sphere. See his accomplishments here: http://law.unl.edu/justin-gus-hurwitz/
More details at: https://events.unl.edu/OS2G/2017/04/27/119864/