OS2G invites you to its First Annual OpenDay, an event celebrating Free and Open Source software, information and culture, on Sunday, April 30 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Nebraska Union, Regency Suite B.
The main focus of the event will be a Linux Installfest, where you can receive assistance installing and configuring Linux on your hardware. OS2G will have additional demos set up, including ReactOS. If you are not ready to install Linux natively just yet, the group will set you up with one of its virtual machines, configured to introduce you to the great variety of open source software out there.
To learn more about OpenDay, visit our webpage.
Web Page: http://os2g.unl.edu/OpenDay2017
Event Page: http://events.unl.edu/OS2G/2017/04/30/119863/
More details at: http://os2g.unl.edu/OpenDay2017