Students interested in joining the University of Nebraska–Lincoln's iGEM team in 2019 should attend the recruiting event on Thursday, Jan. 10 at 5:30 p.m. in Avery 115.
CSE freshmen, sophomores and juniors interested in synthetic biology, gaining a unique learning experience, and collaborating on an interdisciplinary project with students in other fields of study should consider joining the iGEM team this year. Students can learn more about iGEM and applying to join by attending the event and visiting igem.unl.edu. The application deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 13.
Applications should include a GPA, course transcript, resume, and one-page letter that includes a bit about yourself, your interest in joining the team, and what unique skills you have to offer. Students who join the team will also need to enroll in CSCE 496, section 004, Genetically Engineering Systems.
Students can send applications to nebraskaigem@gmail.com.
As this project will run through the summer, it is not open to seniors who will graduate in the spring.
Pizza will be provided at the recruitment event!
More details at: http://igem.unl.edu