Do you know a talented high school senior who has been successful in your math or computer science courses? Is the cost of college a barrier to your student’s accessibility to higher education? Continue reading…
Pamela Petersen, Alicia Davis, Rochelle Settles and Melissa Szatko
Alicia Davis, a math teacher at Scott Middle School in Lincoln Public Schools, and Melissa Szatko, a first-grade teacher at Indian Hill Elementary in Omaha Public Schools, have been named as math recipients of the prestigious Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Continue reading…
Twenty-eight teachers will be chosen for the second year of CSForAll: Adapt, Implement, and Research at Nebraska (AIR@NE), an NSF-funded grant that examines the adaptation and implementation of a validated K-8 Computer Science curriculum in diverse school districts. Apply now! Continue reading…
Since its kickoff in April, the Lincoln STEM Ecosystem held a strategic planning session in September with its cross-sector Steering Committee, facilitated by the Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM, and developed a collaborative mission, vision, and working groups to move forward. Continue reading…
The UNL Department of Mathematics announces three online opportunities for mathematics courses, including a new course that emphasizes the use of technology. Each of the three courses can be part of a graduate program leading to the MAT degree. Continue reading…
Four alumni of mathematics at UNL have been featured in the fourth edition of “101 Careers in Mathematics” Brian T. Bares (BS ’95) of Bares Capital Management, Inc.; Stephanie Fitchett (PhD ’97) of Transamerica; Lucas Sabalka (BS ’02) of Nebraska Global; and Joyce Yen (BS ’95) of U. of Washington. Continue reading…
NCTM will be launching a new practitioner journal in January 2020. "Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12" will reflect current practices of mathematics education, as well as maintain a knowledge base of practice and policy. Consider submitting a manuscript! We are happy to help you! Continue reading…
The registration for the MathWorks Math Modeling (M3) Challenge 2020 is officially open. High school juniors and seniors seeking a transformative high school experience and the chance to win money for college are encouraged to participate. Continue reading…