Four alumni of mathematics at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln have been featured in the fourth edition of “101 Careers in Mathematics” produced by the American Mathematical Society.
The book addresses the question, ‘What can you do with a degree in math?’ through 125 career profiles written by people with degrees and backgrounds in mathematics including: Nebraska’s Brian T. Bares (BS ’95) of Bares Capital Management, Inc.; Stephanie Fitchett (PhD ’97) of Transamerica; Lucas Sabalka (BS ’02) of Nebraska Global and Ocuvera; and Joyce Yen (BS ’95) of the University of Washington’s Advance Center for Institutional Change.
Edited by Deanna Haunsperger and Robert Thompson of Carleton College, “101 Careers in Mathematics: Fourth Edition” showcases how mathematical education shaped the career choices of these professionals and how mathematics, or the skills acquired in a mathematics education, is used in their daily work.
To purchase the book, visit https://bookstore.ams.org/clrm-64/. Discounts are available to AMS and MAA members. Use these profiles as a reference for current trends in the job market and as a resource in career service centers and for guidance counselors and math teachers.