Jo Boaler and the YouCubed project are working on a new online course as part of a broader K-12 data science initiative co-led with Steve Levitt (who wrote Freakonomics) at the University of Chicago.
Filming for the course is complete, and they are releasing some of the footage in this short video introducing the Data Revolution K-12 at:
The video is designed so that you can share it with district leaders and administrators, and parents, so they know the importance of this new way of teaching and learning.
The new online course is called 21st Century Teaching and Learning and is designed to help teachers in all subject areas interact with their content in a data science way – encouraging students to explore patterns, and to think of questions that are meaningful to them and their communities.
The course launches in late July. Check with your school/district administration about their policy for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and reimbursement for online professional development courses.
21st Century Teaching and Learning will launch in two versions: one that will be free, and one that will carry a fee for people interested in earning 2 CEUs that will be verified by a certificate provided at the end of the course. For a limited time when the course launches, YouCubed plans to offer the certificate-earning version of the course for the special introductory price of $40.
Please click here to provide an email address if you would like to be notified as soon as the course launches so you can take advantage of this offer: https://tinyurl.com/y8qdo2my