NATM invites Nebraska teachers to attend 2013 NCTM conference in Denver

NCTM’s national conference is coming to Denver and the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Math would like to take you there! NATM is organizing a fifty-six passenger luxury bus, or possibly two, to transport NATM members to Denver for the NCTM national meeting in April, 2013. If you are not currently an NATM member, a small amount of money and a filled out form will get you there!

Although all the details have not been finalized, the plan is to have a rented luxury bus load some teachers first at Lincoln and then make three other stops along I-80 to pick up additional passengers. For a deposit of around $50 (total cost around $80), you could claim your spot on the bus. Start planning! The deadline for the deposit will be December 31st, so watch the next NATM newsletter for the finalized details. Some grants are being written to help reduce your cost to zero!

Try to envision this scenario: Nebraska math teachers, already tied together by a common bond of students and mathematics, let an experienced driver take them down the road in style to an incredible convention that will change your teaching career forever! Not only will the sessions and national speakers be incredible, but the bonding and informal discussion during the trip will certainly be a breath of fresh air to help us gear up for all the trials, tribulations, and lesson plans that we face daily.

Participants will be required to register on their own for the conference and to make their own hotel plans. The bus would drop us off on Wednesday night, April 17th, near several large hotels within walking distance of the convention center. The bus would then pick us up early Saturday afternoon, April 20th, for the return trip after 2 days of incredible sessions on Common Core standards, technology, all levels of instruction, plus some nationally known motivational speakers.

If you want to make the trip even more special and less costly, make a proposal to speak at the conference! The deadline is May 1st for speaker proposals and can be found on the NCTM web site. If you are selected to be a speaker, your registration for the conference will be free! NCTM is always looking for innovative sessions and Nebraska teachers can certainly fill the bill!

Please consider attending and start planning for next year’s budget. Superintendents and schools need to be made aware of how important this professional development is, plus it’s in Denver!

Contact Tom Price at <> for more information.