Web conferencing and online courses in Summer 2021 allow UNL’s Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI) program to renew its commitment to teacher learning by providing opportunities to “learn in place.”
The NMSSI is offering a range of graduate courses in mathematics, pedagogy and the sciences for K-12 teachers. Web conferencing courses use a synchronous approach, with instruction concentrated during a two-week period on Zoom. Others are traditional online courses (i.e., asynchronous) offered over a five- or eight-week summer session or there is one course offered in-person in Lincoln.
Nebraska teachers automatically qualify for a 20% tuition discount for all web conferencing courses. (Unfortunately, the discount is not extended to online asynchronous courses.)
Additionally, Nebraska K-12 teachers can apply for supplemental NMSSI Fellowships to further defray tuition costs for NMSSI courses. Read more about the costs at: http://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi/2021/costs/. The NMSSI Fellowship Application is now open at http://go.unl.edu/scimathapply.
As follows we highlight a few choices at each grade level, throughout the summer. Check out the full list of courses at https://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi/2021/course-catalog/.
June 1-11 (in-person, M-F):
TEAC 893: Engineering in the K-6 Classroom (primary audience: elementary), Class # 9701, Section # 890, 8 a.m. to noon (UNL City Campus)
June 7-18 (synchronous, M-F):
SOCI 898: Using Systems Thinking in Network Science (primary audience: middle-level), Class # 9650, Section # 596, 8 a.m. to noon (tuition and fees covered for Nebraska teachers)
Math 896: Elementary-Integrated STEM (primary audience: elementary), Class # 3368, Section # 596, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Math 810T: Algebra for Algebra Teachers (primary audience: secondary), Class # 8266, Section # 596, 8 a.m. to noon
Math 804T: Experimentation, Conjecture and Reasoning (primary audience: middle-level), Class # 8562, Section # 596, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
June 21-July 2 (synchronous, M-F):
Math 805T: Discrete Mathematics (primary audience: grades 7-12), Class # 3355, Section # 696, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
ASTR 891: Phenomena of Planetary Satellites (primary audience: secondary), Class # 9980, Section # 596, 10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Math 802T: Functions, Algebra and Geometry, Class # 3354, Section # 596 (primary audience: middle-level); also available asynchronously from July 12-Aug. 12 (Class # 8561)
July 5-16 (synchronous, M-F):
Math 803P: Algebraic Thinking in the Elementary Classroom (primary audience: K-5), Class # 3190, Section # 695, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
BIOS 897: Special Topics: Evolution in Action (primary audience: secondary science), Class # 9908, Section # 691, afternoons
July 12-23 (synchronous, M-F):
Math 806T: Number Theory (primary audience: grades 7-12), Class # 3227, Section #596, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. July 12-16 and then 8 a.m. to noon July 19-23
July 12-August 12 (asynchronous):
Math 802T: Functions, Algebra and Geometry, Class # 8561, Section # 800 (primary audience: middle-level); also available synchronously from June 21-July 2 in the mornings (Class # 3354)
To enroll in UNL graduate courses, follow the four steps outlined on the NMSSI website, http://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi. Check out our course catalog for full descriptions.
Contact us at laugustyn2@unl.edu with questions.
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Center for Science, Mathematics & Computer Education