We hope you will continue to enjoy the resources of the National Math Festival all year round, even if you were not able to participate live in April. You can view all of the 2021 Festival Video Recordings here: https://vimeopro.com/msri/2021-national-math-festival-online-events
Explore the collection of More Math! Resources (https://www.nationalmathfestival.org/watch-play/more-math-resources) on the website - with much more to come as they share more 2021 Festival content over the coming weeks.
NebraskaMATH would like to highlight this video from UNL Mathematics Ph.D. graduate Dr. Raegan Higgins:
“Changing the ‘Face’ of Mathematics” with Dr. Erica Graham, Dr. Raegan Higgins, Dr. Candice Price, and Dr. Shelby Wilson
In 2017, Dr. Erica Graham, Dr. Raegan Higgins, Dr. Candice Price, and Dr. Shelby Wilson and launched the website Mathematically Gifted and Black (MGB). MGB is a website to celebrate the diversity of Black mathematicians, highlighting their contributions to the mathematical sciences and community. The MGB founders will talk about the inspiration behind this website, discuss some of the profiles, and describe the impacts of this initiative.