The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is the professional society for K-12 mathematics teachers and higher education faculty interested in mathematics education. With nearly 80,000 members, it is the public voice of mathematics education in the US and Canada.
Starting Sept. 23, the NCTM will be holding its Board of Directors election for a President-Elect and four new NCTM Board members. Nebraska's own Matt Larson is a candidate for the position of President-Elect. The newly elected board members will begin their terms at the conclusion of the NCTM 2015 Annual Meeting and Exposition in April 2015.
Matt's candidacy statement includes the following:
NCTM faces two significant challenges: Growing while retaining membership, and regaining its position as the "go-to" authority on mathematics education issues. My goals as president of NCTM are threefold:
1. Increase and improve the quality, diversity, and delivery platforms of NCTM professional development offerings to enhance members' access to mathematics content and effective instructional practices.
2. Increase NCTM's engagement in public and political advocacy for high-quality teaching and learning of mathematics.
3. Increase and sustain the membership of NCTM.
We hope that all NCTM members will be sure to vote in this year's election and that they will, of course, seriously consider voting for Matt Larson. Having worked with Matt for many years, we know that Matt will bring important leadership to the NCTM at a very important time.
To read Matt Larson's complete statement along with his biography, visit http://www.nctm.org/about/content.aspx?id=42985.