Fifty teacher leaders and six statewide consultants have been selected for the Nebraska Partnership TEAMS grant with the NDE to help UNL faculty to design and develop PD sessions for teachers. Continue reading…
Wendy Smith, associate director of the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education, was presented with the Boss of the Year Award at the 36th annual University of Nebraska Office Professionals Association bosses luncheon on Nov. 8, 2016. Continue reading…
If you welcomed a baby to your family in 2016 and would like a photo of the baby (or babies!) to be featured in the December 2016 issue of the NebraskaMATH Newsletter, please email us a photo by 8 a.m. on Nov. 29. Continue reading…
Take a course online this spring to earn graduate credit toward a Master of Arts for Teachers degree from UNL. The math department is offering two courses to choose from: Math 802T: Functions, Algebra and Geometry and Math 896: Linear Algebra for Teachers. Continue reading…
Not only has a record number of students registered for the 27th annual Nebraska Math Day on Nov. 17, three schools are also attending for the first time. Continue reading…
The statewide K-12 Science Education Summit is Dec. 12 at Nebraska Innovation Campus. This event will provide an opportunity for science education stakeholders from across the state to learn about the Next Generation Science Standards and engage with one another. Registration closes Nov. 17. Continue reading…
A remarkable amount of policy around education is interwoven with “technology,” usually meaning “digital technology” and most often something Web-based and commercial. Our Information Age is said to have transformed the way people learn and therefore the role of the teacher has to change. Continue reading…
'Bullying has long been tolerated as a rite of passage among children and adolescents. ... But bullying is not developmentally appropriate; it should not be considered a normal part of the typical social grouping that occurs throughout a child's life.' Continue reading…
Jo Boaler has released a Scientific American Mind article she wrote with Pablo Zoido on the dangers of memorization approaches in maths. They found that students who take a memorization approach are the lowest achieving students in the world. Continue reading…