Fifty teacher leaders and six statewide consultants have been selected for the Nebraska Partnership TEAMS grant with the NDE to help UNL faculty to design and develop PD sessions for teachers. These teachers will then be directly involved in leading the PD sessions for teachers in Summer 2017 and/or the 2017-2018 school year.
Teacher leaders have leadership capacity and interest in participating in a project that will provide statewide professional development to teachers. Demonstrated leadership capacity included leading building/district/state PD sessions in the past, serving as a math or science coach, or being nominated by an NDE content specialist or ESU as a teacher leader. Stipends will be provided to them, along with travel and lodging costs.
Reach out to the leaders in your region if you are interested in being one of the TEAMS participants in Summer 2017: http://scimath.unl.edu/csmce/teams - click on LIST OF SELECTED LEADERS
Region I West: ESUs 13, 15, 16
Region II Northeast: ESUs 1, 7, 8, 17
Region III South Central: ESUs 9, 10, 11
Region IV East: ESUs 2, 3, 19
Region V Southeast: ESUs 4, 5, 6, 18
Map of leaders' locations (some leaders from Lincoln have been asked to travel to other regions):
Professional development is predicted to be offered June 5-9 and June 12-16 in five locations (TBD) across the state. Contact your administrators if you are interested in participating. Application information will be coming soon.
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