NebraskaMATH October Newsletter

Shelby Aaberg presenting at NATM, Sept. 19
Shelby Aaberg presenting at NATM, Sept. 19

Fall Dates for Regional Math Nights

Make plans to attend! All teachers of mathematics (especially of grades 6-12) are invited to join in an evening of free food, fellowship and fun at a "Dinner & a Math Problem" event or "Math Teachers Circle" near you. Continue reading…


Hodge new Haddix Chair at UNO

Dr. Angie Hodge, UNOThe Mathematics Department at the University of Nebraska at Omaha is excited to announce the addition of Angie Hodge to its faculty. Hodge is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics and the Dr. George Haddix Chair of Mathematics Education at UNO. Continue reading…


NMSSI 2011: By the Numbers

Tony HoffmanDid you know that during Summer 2011, Nebraska teachers were awarded nearly $120,000 in support to take NMSSI courses? 117 Nebraska teachers received fellowships covering all or part of tuition expenses to take 170 courses. Continue reading…


2012 Presidential Award nominations open

Shelby Aaberg and David HartmanNominations for the 2012 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching (grades K-6) are now being accepted. Congratulations to 2011 Secondary award state finalists Master Teaching Fellow Shelby Aaberg of Scottsbluff High School and David Hartman of Lincoln Southwest High School.

More details at:

NebraskaMATH T-shirt Sighting in KC

Gary FurseRobert Noyce Master Teaching Fellow Gary Furse of Pound Middle School is seen wearing his NebraskaMATH T-shirt to the Kansas City Royals game on Aug. 20 vs. the Red Sox. (He said even his usher was a UNL grad!) Send photos of you in your shirt to


NATM Rookie of the Year

Casey FriesCongratulations to Casey Fries, who won NATM Rookie of the Year award at the NATM Fall Conference on Sept. 19 in Kearney. Fries, a mathematics teacher at Lincoln High School, is a member of NebraskaMATH's New Teacher Network.

Originally published October 13, 2011 - Submit an Item