There are two good reasons you should come to Lincoln on Saturday, Oct. 22:
1. There is a conference on Enacting Standards for Mathematical Practices that assembles a number of truly outstanding speakers (including Bill McCallum, lead author of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics).
2. Many of you who have been part of our programs over the years may want to take the opportunity to help us honor Dr. Jim Lewis and his lifetime contributions to math education in Nebraska.
For those of you who cannot attend but would like to send your congratulations to Jim, please send your message to nebraskamath@unl.edu, and we will collect all responses and present them to Jim at the Saturday evening banquet.
We have travel support (mileage/hotel costs) available; simply request this on your registration form.
If you are coming, we encourage you to register for the conference by Oct. 14. Download the full schedule online.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/ytz