Dr. Wendy Smith, associate director of the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education, was awarded the Don Miller Distinguished Service Award at the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics Conference on Sept. 21, 2018, in Kearney.
"Dr. Wendy Smith is a champion for all mathematics educators in the State of Nebraska. She is one of the most dynamic, yet also one of the most humble, leaders I have ever met. She inspires educators to continually grow in their practice by modeling for us the very teaching practices and processes that we thrive to implement with our students. She works tirelessly to understand the varied needs of educators across the state and then, instead of merely providing resources to improve instruction, she comes alongside educators to build their capacity to become reflective practitioners and to develop into leaders themselves. While she is not one for recognition and accolades, Wendy I want to thank you for your influence - I am just one of many educators who are so very grateful for you," said Alicia Davis, an NATM board member and an eighth-grade mathematics teacher at Scott Middle School in Lincoln.
The NATM board established the Don Miller Distinguished Service Award in 1989. Its purpose is to honor mathematics educators for their contribution to the improvement of mathematics education in the state of Nebraska.
Candidates must:
1. Be directly involved in mathematics education in the state of Nebraska.
2. Be active members of the NATM and NCTM.
3. Demonstrate leadership in the promotion of mathematics as a science and a field of study.
4. Demonstrate outstanding teaching.
5. Demonstrate leadership in the development and implementation of new teaching strategies and technology for the teaching of mathematics.