Children of highly math-anxious parents learned less math and were more likely to develop math anxiety themselves, but only when their parents provided frequent help on math homework, according to a study of first- and second-graders, published in Psychological Science. Continue reading…
What’s Going On in This Graph has returned weekly and features a data visualization from The New York Times stripped of contextual information. It’s up to students to use their critical thinking skills and ask questions to deduce what the graph represents. Continue reading…
YouCubed has developed a four-week curriculum unit, Mathematical Mindset Algebra, that can be used to introduce algebraic concepts at any grade level. Continue reading…
"Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 3," by Jo Boaler, Jen Munson, and Cathy Williams is now available in paperback book form. Continue reading…
STEM Making can provide youth who may not be identified as “good at STEM” with opportunities to dive deeply into engineering practices such as designing, constructing, testing, and analyzing. Making can be joyful, but also richly educative and inclusive. Continue reading…
It is essential for today’s students to learn about science and engineering in order to make sense of the world around them and participate as informed members of a democratic society. Continue reading…
Jo Boaler of YouCubed said that she is frequently asked by teachers: “If we do not use timed tests, how can students learn math facts?” The generational use of damaging timed tests has not only set up a nation of maths traumatized adults but led teachers to believe there is only one way to teach it. Continue reading…
The 10th annual Competitive Game, organized jointly by the French Federation for Mathematical Games and SCM, has started. It is endowed with 2 000 Euros of prizes. The topic this year is: "Traffic Jams in Houston, Texas." Continue reading…
Do you ever secretly worry sometimes that maybe there are some students who can’t learn or at least can’t succeed at high levels?
Have you ever met a student in whom it was difficult to believe? Continue reading…
NCTM President Robert Q. Berry, III, shares ways in which group participation in mathematical discourse engages all students in the classroom in mathematical competency.