10th annual 'Mathematical Games' kicks off

The 10th annual Competitive Game, organized jointly by the French Federation for Mathematical Games and SCM, has started.
It is endowed with 2 000 Euros of prizes. The topic this year is: "Traffic Jams in Houston, Texas." The "Mathematical Games," jointly organized by FFJM and SCM, have existed for nine years.

They deal with the resolution of a "real life" problem, that is a problem of general concern but simplified in its mathematical contents. Still, the resolution typically requires several months of work. Candidates may compete individually or as groups, for instance, high school classes, or college students, or university students, preparing a "memoir" for the end of their studies.

The game started on Nov. 1, 2018, and ends on April 30, 2019. Prizes will be given in May 2019, during the "Salon des Jeux Mathématiques", in Paris. Participants should send their solution, in PDF format, no later than April 30, 2019, to the email address: ffjm@wanadoo.fr.

No preliminary registration is required. Everyone can participate.
Please see: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.scmsa.eu_archives_SCM-5FFFJM-5FCompetitive-5FGame-5F2018-5F2019.pdf&d=DwIFAw&c=Cu5g146wZdoqVuKpTNsYHeFX_rg6kWhlkLF8Eft-wwo&r=gexMDIWvO7BzxF7K0o2c1A&m=CWv_43ZrF3alwSv7vfUKOYlO6TecffmNKYKQpZoZQxo&s=O_qIn0QGDx4ETuTyBojxPIWe7GYhmfgTXJAItSLry7M&e=