Register to participate in the Raising a Resilient Scientist webinar series starting Nov. 9

November 9, 2022 to March 8, 2023

The IUPUI Graduate Mentoring Center is partnering with the NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education to offer a series of webinars and small group discussions on Raising a Resilient Scientist for faculty, staff, and administrators who mentor students and postdoctoral fellows in the biomedical, behavioral, and social sciences. A variety of topics will be covered including:

  1. Communication Skills to Build Trainee Resilience
  2. Promoting Trainee Resilience
  3. Building a Welcoming and Inclusive Research Group
  4. Difficult Conversations, Conflict, and Feedback
  5. The Mental Health and Well-being of Your Trainees

The goal of the Raising a Resilient Scientist series is to promote the mental health and well-being of the academic research community by supporting faculty, staff, and administrators to develop self-management, relationship-management, and mentoring skills. There will be five units in the series and start on November 9, 2022, happen monthly, and conclude March 8, 2023. Each unit will consist of a 75-minute lecture followed by a 1-hour facilitated discussion with peers.

See the NIH website for registration and details.

There is no charge for participation, but advanced registration is required. Participation in the entire series is recommended but is not required.