Volunteers needed for the Southeast Regional Science Fair

The University of Nebraska holds the Southeast Regional Science Fair on Campus every March (this year it is March 22, 2023, on East Campus). We are looking for faculty who would be willing to do some service for the science fair, more specifically in serving on the Safety and Review Committee. This committee reviews student projects that would need approval safety approval, much like the IRB process. This would ensure that the Middle and High School students (6th-12th grade), are doing projects that are safe for themselves and potential participants. We are looking for a professors in Animal Science or SNR, Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science and Human Science Field. We would also be reaching out in early Spring to Solicit professors and graduate students who would be willing to serve as judges for the Fair.

For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Paul Springer, Director of the Southeast Regional Fair, as well as the Associate Dean for Student Success in the College of Education and Human Sciences (pspringer3@unl.edu).