Register with SciLine & share your expertise with the media

As a scientist, you have the topical expertise and insights that can help journalists understand the latest evidence and put it into context. SciLine offers a variety of ways to interact with and support journalists covering science-related topics. And if you’re interested in getting more practice, we are also here to help you improve your media communication skills.

How scientists can work with SciLine:

  • Register as an expert on our website so we can contact you with reporter inquiries in your field of study.
  • Sign up to get notified about our upcoming media trainings for scientists. SciLine’s team of scientist-communicators and veteran reporters can help you gain the skills and the confidence to make your expertise more accessible and your experience more enjoyable.

SciLine is an editorially independent, nonpartisan, free service for journalists and scientists based at the nonprofit American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). SciLine helps connect reporters quickly to scientific experts and validated evidence, and works with scientists to amplify their expertise and help them give voice to the facts.