April 25 Seminar: How administration stakes impact student behaviors during concept assessments

Concept assessments allow instructors to gauge students’ conceptual understanding of course material; unfortunately, there can be challenges in administering concept assessments. Tiffany Burgess will share her research on this topic on April 25th.

Title: How administration stakes impact student behaviors during concept assessments

Concept assessments provide a way for instructors to gauge students’ conceptual understanding of the material taught in their courses. Unfortunately, instructors may experience constraints surrounding the practicality of administering concept assessments. Such constraints include questions about how to administer the assessment, lack of content applicability to individual courses (scope), and competing demands on instructional time (Madsen et al., 2016). The administration of concept assessments in an out-of-class setting can help mitigate these constraints and increase feasibility, but the extent to which students consult external resources for assistance is unknown. This presentation seeks to provide an enhanced characterization of the ways students utilize external resources on concept assessments so that instructors may make more nuanced interpretations regarding student conceptual understanding.

April 25, 2024 from 2-3 pm CT
ZOOM only