Next Thursday (4/4), Suzette Person with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering will share her research entitled: Teaching Communication Skills in Context: An Experience Report.
Abstract: Software development is a highly interpersonal activity. Although technical skills are certainly important, strong non-technical skills, such as teamwork and communication, are also essential for engineers who build and maintain the large-scale software systems in place today. In this presentation, we discuss our experiences developing and delivering SOFT 261, a novel visual communications course, for the new software engineering program at UNL. We describe the challenges we faced in developing and teaching an integrated communications and software engineering course. We also discuss lessons learned that can help inform other instructors who may be interested in developing or updating a discipline-specific course that also helps students improve their communication skills.
Time: 2-3 pm Thursday, 4/4
Place: 109 Bessey Hall or via zoom conferencing
Zoom link: https://unl.zoom.us/j/212107342